
The exploitation capacity is of 20000 m3/year and the processing capacity is of 25000 m3/year
The high quality of the technology used for wood processing makes it a valuable national resource.
The products are cut with high precision tools that guarantee a constant thickness and the lack of technological flaws (from the cut) in the resulting products. The cutting of the logs during the production process is done with the help of the vertical computerized banzic.
The drying of the wood products is done with the help of two drying chambers that are monitored during the entire process by a computerized system. The control sensors that are connected to the wood material in the drying chambers, render all the values and phases of the drying process.
The impregnation of wood sleepers and poles for railways, with oleaginous antiseptic through the vacuum - pressure method with type C ecological creosote, is done with the help of an equipment designed to combine the automatic function with the manual sequencing of the impregnation cycle, process done according to the standing rules.
The forming and removal of flaws is done on a guillotine, on two knives that ensure the parallelism of the sides of the sleepers. The products resulted from the cutting process are packed and wrapped in wooden pallets, tied with a metallic band, for safe maneuvering and storage.
cutting, planing and
permeation of wood