About us

WEGLAND ALPIN SRL was set up in 1994 in Sighetu - Marmaţiei, the county of Maramures, and transferred its headquarters in the county of Arad in the year 2000.
The main activity if the company is cutting, planing and permeation of wood 1610
The company possesses:
- Certificate of wood exploitation
- License of Railway Supplier for “Wood sleepers, not impregnated for railways” and for “ Impregnation of wood sleepers for railways with oleaginous antiseptic through the vacuum - pressure method”;
- Railway Technical Agreement that certifies that the critical railway service: impregnation of wood sleepers and poles for railways, with oleaginous antiseptic through the vacuum - pressure method, done by WEGLAND ALPIN SRL, meets the requirements for use in the area of railway transportation;
- Railway Technical Homologation Certificate that certifies that the critical railway products: not impregnated wood sleepers for railways produced by WEGLAND ALPIN SRL, have been technically homologated by fabrication in the final phase;
- SR ISO 9001:2008, SR ISO 14001:2005, SR OHSAS 18001:2008 Certificate,
- FSC Certificate
company specialized in
cutting, planing and
permeation of wood
cutting, planing and
permeation of wood