
The raw material for the timber is oak, beech, linden, cerris log and also other autochthonous species, carefully selected so that we can provide high quality products.
The timber production includes a great variety of species, dimensions and different quality levels.
From our central warehouse, located in Lipova, we can offer you:
- Unedged timber, semiedged timber and edged timber
- Fresh timber, semidried timber and dry timber
- Edged board of standard sizes/qualities or following the order
After the raw processing, all the resulting material is put into pallets depending on width and quality, and after that is put in the timber warehouse for the natural process of semidrying
The drying process is totally automatizated, and its monitoring is made through the computer, respectively with the witness electrical sounders and with the psihometers integrated in the drying program.
In our permanent offer of products, you can find a great variety of timbers of different species:
We can offer you a great variety of species, assortment of timber, cut at standard dimensions or depending on the order of the client, the timber can be cut at special sizes.
Convince yourselves of the variety of the products that are in our warehouse program or in the delivery program.
cutting, planing and
permeation of wood